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Johannes Meran & Johanna Baumgartinger with Constantin Liechtenstein (r.) Foto: WILKE

Liechtenstein Group

Constantin Liechtenstein becomes Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Johannes Meran is new CEO

As of February 2023 Constantin Liechtenstein becomes Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Liechtenstein Group and, as a result, is stepping down from his role as CEO. Johannes Meran, currently Chief Investment Officer, takes over as CEO. Johanna Baumgartinger, Head of Accounting, Controlling and Taxes at Liechtenstein Group since 2020, is appointed to the Board as CFO.

"I look forward to my new role on the Supervisory Board and the opportunity, through my new position, to continue closely supporting and co-determining the strategic orientation and activities of the Liechtenstein Group. In Johannes Meran and Johanna Baumgartinger, we have a strong and experienced management team who will continue to drive the Liechtenstein Group forward on its growth path," says Constantin Liechtenstein.

"Prince Constantin and I have jointly completed the successful reorganization of the Liechtenstein Group, establishing a strong team and, within a short space of time, setting the Group on a highly successful course. With Prince Constantin on the Group's Supervisory Board, we will continue to benefit from his expertise and wealth of experience," says Johannes Meran.

"I am delighted to be joining the management team at the Liechtenstein Group with immediate effect, having gained an excellent insight into many aspects of the Group over the past two and a half years," says Johanna Baumgartinger.