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Liechtenstein Group is new TRIGOS "Future Partner"

Gala for 20 years of TRIGOS on October 4, 2023
for the first time at Liechtenstein Garden Palace

The winners of the renowned Austrian sustainability award TRIGOS, which has already been awarded for the 20th time, will receive their trophies in a very special setting this year: On the evening of October 4, the award ceremony and, at the same time, anniversary gala celebrating 20 years of TRIGOS will take place for the first time in the extraordinary ambience of the Liechtenstein Garden Palace in Vienna´s 9th district, in the presence of high-profile guests from politics, business and society. The baroque palace with its extensive park has been deeply rooted in the history of Vienna for 300 years. The Liechtenstein Group will be the new "Future Partner" of the prestigious TRIGOS and will make the Garden Palace available free of charge for the gala on October 4 as part of the partnership.

Constantin Liechtenstein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Liechtenstein Group, is proud of the new partnership: "Sustainability is virtually in the DNA of the Liechtenstein Group. This is because our corporate strategy is based on the fundamental principles of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein, which has always thought across generations and managed responsibly. This also includes the preservation of our Viennese palaces for posterity. The Liechtenstein Garden Palace and the City Palace are valuable cultural assets, and by staging events such as the TRIGOS Gala, we can preserve them in the long term and make them accessible to the public."

The TRIGOS award ceremony will take place on the evening of October 4 in the Herkulessaal, Vienna's largest secular baroque hall. Weather permitting, the magnificent princely garden will also be included in the gala event.

"We are very pleased to have the Liechtenstein Group at our side as a new future partner of TRIGOS," said Anna Parr, Secretary General of Caritas Austria and Claudia Mischensky, Vice Secretary General of the Federation of Austrian Industries at a photo session on behalf of the six sponsoring organizations of TRIGOS. "The core areas of the Liechtenstein Group – agriculture, forestry, renewable energies and real estate – are essential areas of all sustainability strategies. We expect numerous mutual impulses from the cooperation." In addition to the Liechtenstein Group, TRIGOS Future Partners include IKEA Austria and Greiner AG.

Making energy, agriculture and forestry sustainable

"As a group of companies, we have a great responsibility towards our environment and society, which we must actively fulfill," explains Johannes Meran, new CEO of the Liechtenstein Group since February 2023. "Responsible entrepreneurship that contributes to climate protection or social justice with innovative ideas serves as a role model and should be encouraged and rewarded. That's why awards like TRIGOS are so important and we are very happy to support the event and the TRIGOS platform in general."

Photo: From left to right: Constantin Liechtenstein, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Liechtenstein Group; Anna Parr (Secretary General of Caritas Austria) and Claudia Mischensky (Vice Secretary General of the Federation of Austrian Industries) for TRIGOS Austria; Johannes Meran, CEO of the Liechtenstein Group.