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© Franz Gleiß

Sparbach Nature Park

Award for commitment to accessibility

We are thrilled to share that the Sparbach Nature Park, managed by Wilfersdorf Forestry Operations, has been recognized for its outstanding contribution to accessibility. The nature park recently received the "Vorbild Barrierefreiheit" ("Exemplary Accessibility") award from BhW Niederösterreich. This esteemed recognition is given to entities and individuals in Lower Austria who work actively towards eliminating barriers and hurdles. This year, a total of 11 awards were given out in six categories: Municipalities, Education/Media/Communication, Culture and Tourism, Leisure and Events, Work and Innovation, and Digital Accessibility.

The award celebrates those who think of their fellow citizens and work towards creating a barrier-free environment, allowing everyone to actively and equally participate in society. The “Vorbild Barrierefreiheit” award identifies these exemplary contributors and brings them into the limelight.

BhW Niederösterreich Managing Director Therese Reinel said, "The submitted projects show the diverse ways in which work towards a barrier-free world can look. The foresight and consideration these individuals, municipalities, and institutions have, is not taken for granted. But hopefully, it will one day become a positive and social norm."

Sparbach Nature Park has been recognized in the 'Leisure and Events' category for its continuous effort to create an inclusive environment. The park offers wide pathways, designed keeping in mind individuals using wheelchairs or families with strollers. The main entrance's gastronomy area is also easily accessible. Additionally, an exclusive audio guide, which can be installed via a smartphone app, has been developed for the park.

This accolade represents the Liechtenstein Group's continued commitment to fostering sustainable and inclusive environments. We are proud of the dedication of our companies and will continue to support initiatives like these.

Photo: © Franz Gleiß
(from left) Florian Katzmayr (Deputy Head of the Lower Austria Association for the Deaf), Therese Reinel (Managing Director BhW), Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister (Member of the provincial government Lower Austria), Susanne Käfer (Head of Nature Park Office), Hans Jörg Damm ( Director Wilfersdorf Estate and Forestry Operations), Ludwig Schleritzko (Member of the provincial government Lower Austria)