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Prince Constantin had been the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Liechtenstein Group AG since 2023, and before that, he had been the CEO of Liechtenstein Group and the Foundation Prince Liechtenstein since 2012. He served as the Chairman of the RiceTec Group and was an advisory council member of the LIECO Group, responsible for the rapid, profitable growth of these companies. It was on his initiative that the Liechtenstein Group was founded, and many forward-looking acquisitions and investments were made.

Universally held in high esteem, and a longstanding friend to many at Liechtenstein Group, above all, he will be missed deeply for the person that he was. All employees of the Liechtenstein Group extend their heartfelt condolences to his wife, Princess Marie von und zu Liechtenstein, his children Moritz, Georgina and Benedikt, and to the entire Princely Family.

Supervisory Board & Executive Board
of the Liechtenstein Group