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From left: Michael Opriesnig (Nachbar in Not), Johannes Meran and Constantin Liechtenstein

Aid for Ukraine

While the situation in terms of COVID-19 is easing somewhat, the economic and humanitarian consequences of the war in Ukraine are having a significant impact around the globe. As a commercially-successful corporate group, we consider it our duty to take advantage of the opportunities available to us, and to support those who are suffering particular hardship as a result of the war in Ukraine. For this reason, we are making our own contribution, both with the help of our employees and in cooperation with professional aid organizations and government agencies.

"The war in Ukraine has shaken us all, and so we quickly decided to provide assistance in the most straightforward way by donating EUR 50,000 to the charitable organization NACHBAR IN NOT ('NEIGHBOR IN NEED'). We are both proud and grateful that, in our portfolio companies too, numerous assistance projects have been launched for both those in Ukraine and for refugees", says Constantin Liechtenstein, CEO Liechtenstein Group.

Here are two examples:

In cooperation with the World Food Programme (WFP) and jointly with three other enterprises, Wilfersdorf Estate Operations sent a truck consignment comprising 24 tonnes of flour to Ukraine, which was distributed to aid organizations on the ground. Jointly with ten other land and forestry operators in Austria, two further shipments comprising a total of around 30 tonnes were organized.

Liechtenstein Gruppe AG, Real Estate Vienna, is supporting Ukrainian artists. At 11.00 am on July 31st, 2022, the Summer Rhapsody stage will be opened for a benefit concert, at which Ukrainian musicians will be playing under the leadership of Ilia Korol, concertmaster of the Orchester Wiener Akademie. Mr Korol himself originates from Ukraine and aims to set up a network for his fellow Ukrainians and colleagues who have fled Ukraine, with the aim of enabling them to work in their trained occupation. Ukrainian musicians will also be playing at the Wiener Akademie concert on July 18.

From left: Michael Opriesnig (Nachbar in Not), Johannes Meran and Constantin Liechtenstein